

How To Update Your Facebook Privacy Settings

 This video will walk you through how toupdate your privacy settings on Facebook Facebook has actually gotten a lot betterat this over the years and has a quick shortcut you can get to but I'm alsogoing to take you through where you should also pay attention to yourprivacy settings. So what you want to do is go to facebook.com and you should see your home feed all the things that you normally look at and what have you.You'll want to go to this question mark: click on that and you'll seea privacy check up link.

 Now you can click on anything like privacy, account security and everything like that you can absolutely click there thisprivacy check up is a really friendly way though to kind of get you startedand just take care of some of the more urgent issues you might want to update.So privacy check up is going to give you four options and you can andshould click through all four of these. I am actually not going to walk you through every single detail because then you'll see all MY details and I like privacy as should you. So the privacy check up gives you a guide for each one: who can see what you share, how to keepyour account secure, how people can find you on facebook, and your data settingson facebook. So click on who can see what you share, and it will walk you through yourprofile information, your posts and blocking, so it gives you who can seeyour posts as you put them up.

 You can change that from all the way frompublic back down to only yourself. It'll also let you look at your profile informationas far as your phone numbers, email addresses... definitely letting you decide who out in Facebook can see them. I actually made someupdates myself with this where I was like, "oh I didn't realize thateverybody can see this, not everybody can see this," so the great thing is that it walksyou through there. You also can click on how to keep your account secure: is yourpassword private, and controlling your alerts. This one willalert you if anyone if logged in to your Facebook account from another app orsomewhere else.  You decide how you want to be alerted to that, plus it will give you opportunity to update your password.I do recommend a very strong password for Facebook especially, and if you needto use a password manager so that you can log into it or find it again if it'sreally complex. Phrases are awesome when you use password phrases and then justuse various symbols or numbers throughout the password... those are great. Alright then, you can also change how people can find you on Facebook. So howcan people find you to give you friend requests, who can give you afriend requests, can they find you by phone number or email...This one's an important one to do: you want search engines like Google to be able to display your profile to people in the internet. You canset them to yes or no, so that's next one place to review and lastly your datasettings on Facebook. This will walk you through apps and websites; I'll actuallyhit continue on this one: what it'll do is it'll say look here arethe apps where you may have used Facebook to sign in and and or maybe youdid a quiz or anything like that - do you want these apps to continue to haveaccess to your Facebook or continue to use them to login to Facebook and you canactually click remove, and when you do click remove it'll let you decide howyou want to remove them: you don't have any post you maybe there's apps etc okayso those are great it's a fabulous little cool thing allowed you to use. Ofcourse it is it a little bit obscured in the question mark up top but you can getthere.

 Now I do recommend however once we go through all four of these guides, doclick on the settings. This is going to take you into your own settings, and I'm actually gonna click right on Privacy: I recommend you go through everysingle one of these tabs since you're in here already.Privacy will go through everything you've already looked at withthat review, however: timeline and tagging - you can control you can post on yourtimeline you can see posts and your stories; can people share your posts totheir stories on Facebook? You can even filter certain comments that have wordsin them by turning this on and putting which words you don't wantto see. Who can see posts that you're tagged in etc: would you like to reviewthose posts before they appear in your timeline and so on. So that's a great onesure of you they also have the stories one: would you like to allow others toshare your public stories to their own story: yes or no? Or to shareyour stories if you mentioned them? That's a great one is that you can turnyour location history on or off and view your location history - this is a big one,especially for mobile device users because it's trackingwhere you are - it's why you can see certain ads for certain things based onwhere you're standing. You can block users, you can blockmessages from users, you can block certain apps if you're tired of seeingthem because of the one friend who just sends tons of app invites or alertsfrom it, or events - maybe you are tired of getting events from a certain person butdon't want to unfriend them; you can block those and block pages as well. So it's agreat way to keep some control there.

 There's also some language and regionalsettings - that's pretty standard - and lastly not sure if everyone's awareof this but you can turn off or on face recognition. Facebook will dorecognition with your face on Facebook, for it is Facebook, the book of faces, andso you can turn that off if you'd rather it didn't detect you and alert yousaying hey I saw your face on a photo video. All right so those are someexcellent privacy settings - again you can get to all of those just start with thisprivacy check up but then move your way through allfour of these guides and then put it through the settings. I recommend doingthis at least once per quarter and I will send some reminders out for myReally Social social media accounts to alert you to that, but it's a great thingto do and please do share this around with any of your friends,colleagues, family members, etc. that you think would be best served to be thiskind of check up. Please don't forget to subscribe too, as we'll have more of theseupdates through these privacy check ups for every mainstreamplatform as well. T hanks for watching and have a fabulous day! 

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